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Filmography of my Dialect Coaching

My acting career started out to be and remained great fun for me...and still is. I would invite you to check out my acting credits on IMDB...I'm sure you'll see something you recognize! One of the things acting allowed me to use was my love for dialects. That led me into developing my skill as a Dialect Coach and being able to teach other actors how to use a dialect for a role, or lose their native dialect in favor of an American dialect for use in film or television. It's given me the opportunity to work on some great shows with some great actors. Below are some selected shows I've coached for. 




Wu Assassins


The Exorcist

The 100

Altered Carbon


Let The Right One In

Second Chance

Once Upon A Time

The Flash


Strange Empire

Only Human


Falling Skies


The Killing



The Vampire Diaries

Battlestar Galactica

Kyle XY

Friday Night Lights

The 4400



FILM & TV MOW's (Selected)


Welcome To Marwen

Timmy Failure

The Victoria Gotti Story


Power Rangers

The Real MVP - The Wanda Pratt Story

Tomato Red

Seventh Son

Baby Sellers

Elysium (Baha Dunes) - Sony Pictures

The Company You Keep

Flicka 2

Alice / Riverworld 

2012 (Farewell Atlantis) 


Slapshot III – The Junior Leagues 

Jennifer’s Body 

Love Happens 

The Dark is Rising 

Merlin’s Apprentice 

She’s the Man 

Growing up Different 

Man About Town 

The Colt 

I Robot




Copyright 2017 Doug Abrahams & 77 SunsetBeach Inc.


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